Transpersonal Psychology is the study of health and human potential. Human potential is what is possible for us, what we can become, a latent excellence or ability that can be developed allowing us to express, or actualize at an optimal level.
One of my favorite theories on human potential was developed by Abraham Maslow. His theory was that we have a Hierarchy of needs, and those needs have to be met before we can move up his pyramid to self-actualization. At each level once our needs are satisfied they become less important and other drives surface. On the most basic level our needs of food, drink, and sleep need to be met. These are the most basic and important of our needs, followed by safety, which is being free from fear and chaos. Our need to belong and to be loved is also on that spectrum of basic needs. We have a natural tendency to desire relationships with individuals, family and society, to create connections, and from those connections we develop our esteem needs through competence, individual achievement and respect from others. As we reach the top of the pyramid we can still be unsatisfied unless we can experience self-actualization, which is the full use of our talents and abilities.
Self-actualization is an ongoing process of utilizing our talents and abilities what ever they are, and how ever they manifest in our lives, and because it is a process, these can change with time and circumstance. Some characteristics of self-actualization are, seeing life clearly, being objective, not allowing our emotions or egos to influence observations, being creative, and spontaneity.
When our needs are met we have the inclination to self-express, and self-actualize. It is the potential we all possess and it is up to us to strive to express it.
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